SNC Youth Choirs
Far more than training voices . . . we are training hearts!
Youth choirs for grades K-12
High quality music instruction
Artistic excellence in choral music performance
Enriching the lives of children from all religious, racial, cultural and economic backgrounds
Fostering personal and social growth
Promoting a sense of self-esteem, accomplishment, and pride.
Advanced - Split between a boy choir and a girl choir, this is our High School level choir. The boy and girl choirs come together to perform SATB songs as well as perform as separate choirs. This choir leads our touring choirs.
Middle (Grades 6-8) - This middle school choir trains in many of the same skills as our advanced choir. The boy and girl choirs come together to perform SATB songs as well as perform as separate choirs. This choir also has opportunities to tour in the summer.
Elementary (Grades 1-5) - Our entry level mixed choir with children aged 6-12 years old. Singing music with multiple parts, this choir performs challenging music that prepares them to continue on to our older choirs. Directed by Elizabeth Chavez, this is our main training choir that takes part in an annual trainers tour.